Notes on Gtk2Hs
Gtk2Hs is a GUI library for Haskell, based on GTK+, for creating graphical user interfaces. This page records some (trivial) notes about GUI programming in Haskell with the Gtk2Hs library.
Hello World with GTK
import Graphics.UI.Gtk
main :: IO ()
main = do
window <- windowNew
widgetShowAll window
-- onDestroy window mainQuit
onDelete window (const (mainQuit >> return True))
The initGUI
must be called once before any other Gtk2Hs functions. widgetsShowAll window
completes the internal steps and allocations, and show window
, as well as its children.
is the infinite event loop, and event loop will block until the window get destroyed
since there’s a callback mainQuit
for onDelete
event of the window
The Gtk main event loop can be put into another separate OS thread. In such scenarios, something
like MVar
may be involved to synchronize the Gtk thread and the main thread of the program.
In GTK+, events are called signals. The object, event and event handler can be connected with
on ::
-> Signal object callback -> callback -> IO (ConnectId object)
-- Defined in ‘glib-’
Unlike on
, after
has the same type signature and functionality with on
, except that the
is executed after Gtk’s default handler has run.
Packing Boxes
The horizontal box or vertical box can be created by hBoxNew
or vBoxNew
. A Bool
indicates whether gives all children equal space allotments. boxPackStart
place objects into the
container start from the top, or left, to the bottom, or right and boxPackEnd
works along the
reverse direction. A parameter with type Packing
is required to determine how the child scales.
means the child is as big as it requests.PackRepel
will be padded on both sides with additional space.PackGrow
increases the size of widgets so that it covers the available space.