It was one of the most surprising discovers of the Pythagorean, a famous Greek mathematicians, that there are irrational numbers. The square root of $2$ sometimes has the name Pythagora’s Constant:

\[\sqrt{2} = 1.4142135...\]

As we all know that $\sqrt{2}$ is irrational and there’s a classic example of proof by contradiction for this proposition. Here I will present how to prove it and how to formalize the proof in Coq.

Proof by Contradiction

In logic, proof by contradiction is a form of indirect proof, that a proposition is proved by assuming that the oppsite of the proposition is true and showing the assuming is false, thereby implying the proposition must be true.

Suppose $\sqrt{2}$ is rational, according to the definition of irrational there exists two coprime integers $p$, $q (q > 0)$ and $\sqrt{2} = \frac{p^2}{q^2}$ holds. It follows that \(\frac{p^2}{q^2} = 2 \text{ and } p^2 = 2 q^2.\) Therefore $p$ must be even as squares of odd integers can’t be even. So there exists an integer $k$ fulfills $p = 2 k$. Do substitution and simplication then we get $q^2 = 2 k^2$. We know that $q^2$ is even so $q$ is also even. Because $p$ and $q$ are both even, they actually have a common factor $2$, which is a contradiction to our assumption that $p$ and $q$ are coprime integers.

Now we get the conclusion that our assumption of $\sqrt{2}$ is rational is wrong and $\sqrt{2}$ muse be irrational. Q.E.D.

Formal Proof in Coq

Coq is so powerful that we can represent the proposition $\sqrt{2}$ is irrational as the following:

Theorem sqrt_2_irrational :
  ~ exists p q : Z, (q > 0)%Z /\ (IZR p / IZR q)%R = x.

We can also defintion a function takes a real number $x$ and return a proposition that $x$ is irrational, then get the goal we want to prove using this function.

Definition irrational (x : R) : Prop :=
  ~ exists p q : Z, (q > 0)%Z /\ (IZR p / IZR q)%R = x.

Theorem sqrt_2_irrational :
  irrational (sqrt 2%R)%R.

According to the introduction rule for $\exists$, we can set up assumptions and transform our goal the False. After run the tactic intros [p [q [q_gt_0_Z p'q_eq_sqrt_2_Z]]]., we get the following context:

1 subgoal
p, q : Z
q_gt_0_Z : (q > 0)%Z
p'q_eq_sqrt_2_R : (IZR p / IZR q)%R = sqrt 2

Coq is an amazing tools and we can construct a formal proof by represent the above proof directly in Coq. The core of the mathematical proof above is that we draw the conclusion that $p$ must be even then $q$ must be even, then we can get the contradiction. Why ? What’s the underlying facts involved here ?

The real reason is that if $p$ is even, in other words $p$ is divisible by $2$, then $p^2$ must be divisible by $4$! Now we can conclude that for every integers in binary radix the number of tailing zeros of $p^2$ must even. Next, we formalize this principle both for $p$ and $q$:

  assert (ctz_p : Nat.even (p*p) = true).
  assert (ctz_q : Nat.even (q*q) = true).

It’s not hard to obtain p*p = 2*q*q from the premise p'q_eq_sqrt_2_R, but now I want to concentrate on how to prove the False and I’ll mention this again later. A trival fact we can deduce from $pp=2qq$ is the count of tailing zeros of $pp$ is one more than $2qq$. In Coq, this fact can be formalized and proved as the follows (we also need another lemma to finish this proof):

  assert (double_inc_ctz : forall x, (x <> 0%Z) -> ctz_Z (2 * x) = S (ctz_Z x)).
    destruct x; intuition || intro; reflexivity.

  assert (ctz_)

  assert (ctz_p_eq_S_ctz_q : ctz_Z (p*p) = S (ctz_Z (q * q))).
    rewrite <- double_inc_ctz.
    rewrite pp_eq_2qq_Z; rewrite Z.mul_assoc; reflexivity.
    assert (q*q > 0)%Z.
      auto with zarith.
    auto with zarith.

Another obvious fact is that for every integer $x$, $x$ and $2x$ can’t be both even or both odd, as well as $pp$.

Lemma cannot_both_even :
  forall x, Nat.even x = negb (Nat.even (S x)).
  induction x.
  + reflexivity.
  + simpl (Nat.even (S (S x))).
    rewrite IHx; rewrite negb_involutive; reflexivity.

Go over current context again we will find we are in the following condition:

1 subgoal
p, q : Z
ctz_p : Nat.even (ctz_Z (p * p)) = true
ctz_q : Nat.even (ctz_Z (q * q)) = true
ctz_p_eq_S_ctz_q : ctz_Z (p * p) = S (ctz_Z (q * q))

It’s easy to deduce these three premises by some steps rewrite:

  rewrite ctz_p_eq_S_ctz_q in ctz_p.
  rewrite cannot_both_even in ctz_q.
  rewrite ctz_p in ctz_q.

Then we get ctz_q : negb true = true. It’s just the contradiction we want and the theorem of $\sqrt{2}$ is rational is proved completely.

It’s time to look back at the immediate conclusion pp_eq_2qq_Z. Because $\sqrt{2}$ is real number but $p$ and $q$ are integers some conversions is need to illustrate the conclusion holds. It’s somewhat triky and the whole proof can’t be found at sqrt_2_irrational.v.


It seems make no sense of formalizing such a trival theorem using Coq with our efforts, but it’s so inspried to witness the expressive power of programming language and to forsee the feature of automated theorem proving!