阅读 Graham Hutton 的书 Programming in Haskell 的 Chapter 13 Reasoning about programs 时,书中分析 reverse 函数的时间复杂度时提到Haskell中列表拼接运算符(++)的时间复杂度是$O(n)$的!

Implement reverse


-- | reverse a list.
reverse :: [a] -> [a]
reverse [] = []
reverse (x:xs) = reverse xs ++ [x]


首先,(++)的时间复杂度与第一个参数List的长度正相关,一共需要 n 次拼接操作,以此,最终的结果为:

reverse takes quadratic time in the length of its argument.

我们不难看出,(++)函数的复杂度是瓶颈所在,Hutton 的书中给出了另一个实现:

-- | reverse a list in linear time.
reverse :: [a] -> [a]
reverse xs = auxiliary xs []
        auxiliary [] ys = ys
        auxiliary (x:xs) ys = auxiliary xs (x:ys)



-- | 'reverse' @xs@ returns the elements of @xs@ in reverse order.
-- @xs@ must be finite.
reverse                 :: [a] -> [a]
reverse                 =  foldl (flip (:)) []
reverse l =  rev l []
    rev []     a = a
    rev (x:xs) a = rev xs (x:a)



  • 代码
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
{-# OPTIONS -O2 #-}
import Criterion.Main

reverse1 = reverse

reverse2 [] = []
reverse2 (x:xs) = reverse2 xs ++ [x]

reverse3 xs = auxiliary xs []
        auxiliary [] ys = ys
        auxiliary (x:xs) ys = auxiliary xs (x:ys)

main :: IO ()
main = defaultMain $ let !xs = ([1..1000] :: [Int]) in [
        bgroup "reverse" [
            bench "library reverse" (nf reverse1 xs)
            , bench "simple reverse" (nf reverse2 xs)
            , bench "fast reverse" (nf reverse3 xs)


函数 具体实现 运行时间
reverse1 库函数实现(Data.List.reverse) 9.92 us
reverse2 使用++ 6.05 ms
reverse3 使用:和辅助函数 9.49 us


Efficient concatenation

基于命令式语言的列表拼接操作极其简单,并且具有常数级别的时间复杂度。但函数是编程语言中,数据是不可变的(pure data is immutable),因此,也无法做到将后一个列表的head pointer直接指向上一个列表的tail这样的操作。Haskell中,每一次做拼接操作都需要创建一个新的List。看标准库中(++)的实现:

(++) :: [a] -> [a] -> [a]
{-# NOINLINE [1] (++) #-}    -- We want the RULE to fire first.
                             -- It's recursive, so won't inline anyway,
                             -- but saying so is more explicit
(++) []     ys = ys
(++) (x:xs) ys = x : xs ++ ys

"++"    [~1] forall xs ys. xs ++ ys = augment (\c n -> foldr c n xs) ys



Difference lists are implemented as single-argument functions, which take a list as argument and prepend to that list. As a consequence, concatenation of difference lists of the second type is implemented essentially as function composition, which is $O(1)$. However, of course the list still has to be constructed eventually (assuming all of its elements are needed), which is plainly at least $O(n)$.

Difference List是一个很有意思的东西,他用函数来表达List,将List上的操作表达为对 function application,能够实现constant time的append/prepend操作。仅仅在最后队列表求值时的时间复杂度为$O(n)$。对于需要重复多次的列表拼接操作来说,这一数据结构在效率方面具有明显的优势。


-- Lists as functions
newtype DList a = DL { runDL :: [a] -> [a] }

-- The empty list
empty       = DL id

-- The append case: composition, a la Hughes
append xs ys = DL (runDL xs . runDL ys)

-- Converting to a regular list, linear time.
toList      = ($[]) . runDL

另一个高效地实现List的append/prepend的数据结构是 Figure Tree。Haskell的库containers中导出了Figure Tree的一个实现 Data.Sequence,具有很好的执行效率。

Standard Sequence has $O(1)$ for addition from ‘both ends’ and $O(log(min(n1,n2)))$ for general concatenation (The difference from lists though is that Sequence is strict).